2. Inclusive homes and communities

A person in a wheelchair next to a house with a tick.

We want people with disability to live in homes that meet their needs.

People with disability joining in with a community event.

We also want people with disability to live in communities that are:

  • accessible
  • inclusive.


We will find ways to include more children with disability in:

A child with a horse. The child is wearing a helmet and holding the reins.

  • sports activities

A young person painting on a board.

  • arts programs.

A park playground with a wheelchair accessible swing and a person with a guide dog.

We will find out how we can make our parks and reserves more:

  • accessible
  • inclusive.

We will find out how to make our buildings more inclusive, such as using:

An accessible toilet sign with the accessibility icon next to it.

  • accessible signs

A hearing aid.

  • multimedia devices.

Many different disability icons and icons of people with different disabilities or impairments.

Universal Design means we think about what everybody needs when we plan or start new projects and services.

Our State Government will use Universal Design when they plan new:

A multi-floored building.

  • buildings

A public park with benches.

  • public spaces

A person using a rehabilitation facility with assistance from medical staff.

  • services

A pair enjoying a meal inside.

  • homes for people with disability.

Local councils will use Universal Design when they:

A person writing on a clipboard.

  • plan new projects and services

A car parking space with the disability symbol.

  • check how well accessible car parks work.

A person in a wheelchair teaching a group of people.

They will also train their staff in how to use Universal Design.

A woman pointing to herself with her hand raised. The woman is being assisted by another person to make a decision.

We will keep track of what people with disability want when they have someone who helps them make decisions.

A document titled Rules with an update symbol on it. Next to it is an icon for a bus and a tram.

We will keep working with the Australian Government to change the rules for accessible public transport.

We will also make South Australian public transport more accessible, including more:

The information icon with the accessibility icon next to it. Underneath them is a bus.

  • accessible information on buses

A car parking space with the disability symbol.

  • accessible car parks at places where there is public transport.