Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

Accessibility icon.


When our community is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • move around.

A person signing Auslan next to a presenter.

Auslan interpreters

People who are deaf or don’t hear well use Auslan to communicate.

An Auslan interpreter is someone who uses Auslan to help people understand what someone says.

A person with their hand on their chest and other hand raised. They have a thought bubble with three dots in it.


Your attitudes are what you think, feel and believe.

A glowing siren with an exclamation mark on it next to a caution symbol.


An emergency is something dangerous that:

  • we don’t expect to happen
  • can put your health or safety at risk.

A large and diverse group of people with an arrow circling around them.


When our community is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

A man with a hearing aid listening to his phone.

Multimedia devices

Multimedia devices help people with a speech or hearing impairment understand important information.

A bubble with NDIA printed in it. There is a man writing on a clipboard next to it.

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

The NDIA runs the NDIS.

NDIS logo.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS provides support to people with disability all around Australia.

Document titled Rights, next to it is a woman with a raised arm.


Rights are rules about how everybody should be treated fairly and equally.

Glowing lightbulb next to an exclamation mark.


Themes are important ideas that come up in different areas of our work and lives.

Many different disability icons and icons of people with different disabilities or impairments.

Universal Design

Universal Design means we think about what everybody needs when we plan or start new projects and services.

A group of happy volunteers next to a money symbol with a cross on it.


When you volunteer, you:

  • work but you don’t get paid.
  • do work that helps other people.

Icons of an office building, a school building, and a hospital building.


A workplace is any place you might work, such as:

  • an office
  • school
  • a hospital.